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10 ways to save the planet on a daily basis

Recycling trash, using a bamboo toothbrush, banning cotton pads etc… All those actions help protect and preserve our planet. However, starting our sustainability journey can be overwhelming with the amount of information and tips we see everywhere. In order to help you ease your transition towards a more sustainable lifestyle, we created a list of 10 easy actions you can add to your daily routine from now on. 

Here's our 10 tips for you:

  1. Take showers instead of baths. We give you an exception if you have children.
  2. When you’re waiting for the water to heat up in the shower, don’t waste the fresh water and keep it to water your plants. 

  3. Drink out of a water bottle, even when you’re at home. You’ll quickly see how much space you’re saving in your dishwasher. 

  4. Replace your scott towels for reusable dishcloths. You’ll be helping the planet and your wallet (yes, scott towel is expensive). 
  5. Use reusable cotton swabs or specific cleaning products for your ears. As you might already know, cotton swabs are actually harmful for the planet but also for your ears. Take care of your body and the environment at the same time. 

  6. Use bar shampoo and body soap. A lot of options are now available for your hair and skin type. You’re also doing a favour to your hair by stopping nourishing them with silicon. 

  7. Get yourself a tote bag and bring it with you everywhere you go. Thanks to that, you won’t be needing shopping bags from your favorite stores anymore. This little bag folds easily and can even fit in your pocket. Say hello to your new best friend.

  8. When you can, ask to receive your receipt by mail. You're saving paper and preventing accumulating tones of receipts that will fade and be stored in a box forever.

  9. Make homemade laundry detergent. You can now easily find tutorials to make it at home with the products you love. That’s an effective and easy action to reduce the number of plastic bottles bought during your groceries. 

  10. Walk, ride a bike or take public transportations whenever you can. A ray of sunshine, blue sky or nice temperatures are enough to have a pleasant time outside. 

  11. (Buy 4KIDS clothes, made out of recycled plastic bottles and organic cotton. Your kids will love it, so comfy.) 


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